How to Create Better Event Feedback Surveys

October 03, 2023
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Gathering event feedback demonstrates your commitment to understanding the needs of your attendees. Whether you're organizing corporate conferences, workshops, or social events, collecting feedback is crucial for improving future events.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you on creating impactful event feedback surveys. By the end of this post, you’ll discover best practices for feedback forms and the types of questions to ask to generate meaningful results.

Let’s get into it!

Understanding the event feedback survey

First, let’s understand a few basics about the event feedback survey.

The importance of post-event feedback

Post-event feedback isn't just a formality. Gathering feedback allows you to gauge attendee satisfaction, find the strengths, and pinpoint improvement areas. You can also refine the overall event planning process to make informed decisions about where to allocate budget, time, and effort.

Feedback also fosters attendee engagement and demonstrates that their opinions matter. Utilizing the potential of post-event feedback goes into enhancing attendee experiences in the future.

Event feedback form best practices

Here are some best practices for crafting a comprehensive and effective event feedback form:

  • Clear and specific questions
  • Mix question types
  • Avoid bias
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Make event registration easy
  • Timely distribution
  • Regular review of results

Analyzing feedback is pivotal, and if you’re using Google Forms for creating your survey, this is where using a great tool like Form Publisher can give you an edge. Form Publisher streamlines the organization of your results with automatic response documents.

Best survey questions for event feedback

Question 1: On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied were you with the event?

Let’s start with the most obvious. Although there are many aspects to an event, what matters most is the attendees' overall satisfaction level. This question is also placed early in the survey as we want to gauge the overall impressions regarding the event while it’s still fresh in the attendees' minds.

The question above is in the linear scale format, but the same may be phrased in multiple choice question format. Learn how to add linear scale questions to a survey.

Another version of the same question could be, “How likely are you to recommend this even to your family or friends?”

Question 2: What were your key takeaways from the event?

People mostly attend events to learn something new. An event that has actionable takeaways is bound to be a successful one. As events can be busy with activities, workshops, and networking, this question also helps you understand if you were successfully able to impart knowledge or information as per your plan.

A few other ways to phrase this question would be:

  • Did you learn something valuable?
  • Were there any actionable insights you plan to implement?
  • In what area of your profession would you implement today’s learnings?

Question 3: How effective were the speakers in delivering their content?

Regardless of the topic or industry, speakers are critical to an event. It’s what attracts people to events. Ask this question to know whether your speakers resonated with your attendees. If not, you may have to consider different speakers for your next event. You can ask the same question in a few different ways:

  • Who was your favorite speaker, and what did you like about their presentation?
  • Were there any areas where the speakers could improve?
  • Did the event content covered by the speaker meet your expectations?

Question 4: How was the event venue and its accessibility?

The event's overall logistics and organization are the next important things to check. You may have also dedicated a large portion of your event budget to these aspects. So, it’s worth checking how your audience felt about it. You can also ask the same question in a few different ways:

  • Did you find the event schedule and timing convenient?
  • Did you face any challenges with registration?
  • How helpful were the event materials provided?
  • Were there any technical issues you encountered during the event?
  • How would you rate the comfort and quality of the event venue and facilities?

Question 5: Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience at the event?

Lastly, having room on your survey for general comments or even descriptive feedback is a great idea. This question has to be open-ended. Learn how to use open-ended questions on a survey. This question can also be phrased as:

  • Any final thoughts, suggestions, or compliments you'd like to provide?
  • Do you have any additional feedback you’d like to provide?

Create better event feedback surveys with Form Publisher

With that, you have your event feedback survey questions covered. Remember, a feedback survey is only effective if you can draw insights from it. To help you get the most out of the response analysis, try Form Publisher.Form Publisher helps you organize your responses by transforming them into individual documents in multiple file formats. You can even store these at a destination of your choice or send customized response summaries to your event attendees. Interested? Explore Form Publisher.

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