How to Print Google Forms Responses

April 19, 2023
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Google Forms is a great way to collect data, and printing out responses is a great way to review that data and analyze it further. Whether you're looking to understand customer feedback better or share responses with colleagues, having a hard copy of the responses can be incredibly helpful.

In this blog post, we'll discuss the steps you can take to print your Google Forms responses. We’ll also give you advice on how to make printed responses look even better. So, let's get started!

How to print responses from Google Forms

Google Forms makes it very easy to print all your Google Form responses simultaneously. Here’s how.

Step 1: Open up your form

Navigate to Google Forms and open up the form you want to print responses for. If you want to create a new form, click the “+” button or pick a template.

Alternatively, you can open a new Google Form through your Google Drive by clicking the “New” button (+ sign). Then scroll down and click Google Forms to open a new form instantly.

If you’re creating a new form, fill it out and send it out. You can send it out by clicking the “Send” button and choosing from one of the three options: email, link, or embed code.

Move on to the next step once you’ve collected your responses.

Step 2: Go to the “Responses” tab

By this point, you should have collected some responses on your form and are ready to begin printing your Google Forms output. First, you’ll want to toggle to the “Responses” tab.

Step 3a: Print a summary of all responses

Once there, you’re going to have three different tabs: Summary, Question, and Individual. The Responses tab opens the responses under the “Summary” tab by default.

From the Summary tab, you’re able to print out all responses at once. If that’s what you want to do, click the more options button under the “Summary” tab (three dots) in the top-right corner.

Within the options that open up, find and click “Print all responses.”

A new window will open up where you can set your printing preferences. In the “Destination” field, you can select the printer where you want to print your Google Forms responses summary. In the “Pages” field, you can print all pages or set a custom range to print specific pages. When ready, click “Print” to print out your responses.

If you’d like to save your Google Forms responses as a PDF before you print them, follow this guide on converting Google Forms to a PDF.

Step 3b: Print out individual responses

While the “Summary” tab allows you to print out all the responses simultaneously, you can print out individual responses under the “Individual” tab.

Go to the response you’d like to print and click the printer icon in the upper right.

The same printing window will show up, and you can go from there!

How to print better documents from Google Forms responses

While printing responses natively from Google Forms is not difficult, it’s not the best option. Printing individual responses requires manually scrolling through each response, which can get tedious if you have many responses. Further, the PDF you save with Google Forms is bare bones, with no way to customize the data.

What’s a better alternative, you ask? It’s Form Publisher.

What is Form Publisher?

Form Publisher is a Google Forms add-on that creates documents automatically from Google Forms responses, a feature not native to Google Forms. When someone submits a response, Form Publisher generates a document based on your preferences.

Why is Form Publisher better? For one, the documents you get can be in different formats, such as Google Docs or PDF. You can choose the template you want to use, and information will automatically be added to it—and it’ll look a lot better than Google Forms’ native document. Also, every time you receive a response, Form Publisher will send you the document in an email!

With Form Publisher, you can even set up workflows and send the response documents to team members automatically. Such features of Form Publisher let you do more with Google Forms in less time.

Need to edit your Google Forms responses? Learn how to delete Google Forms responses here.

How to print Google Forms responses with Form Publisher

Once you have Form Publisher installed on your Google Forms, click the extensions button on the top panel and click Form Publisher there to get it started on the form you’re working with.

This will open up the Form Publisher window. Click “Configure Form Publisher.” On doing this, Form Publisher will prompt you to select a template.

If you already have a template you’d like to work with, select the first option or use the Form Publisher’s pre-made templates.

Form Publisher will now ask you to select the format of the documents it will generate. Let’s go with Google Docs here.

Form Publisher is now ready to create an individual document from each of your form's responses. Form Publisher will create a destination folder in your Google Drive. From there, you can select any document and print it out.

Once you click the printer icon, it’s the same process as above. Once you have set your preferences, click “Print,” and you’re done!

That’s how easy it is to work with Form Publisher. If you are trying to print your response documents, this is the way to do it!

Start printing better Google Forms responses with Form Publisher

Printing Google Forms responses is a reasonably straightforward process. However, printing individual response documents or creating customized response documents with Google Forms can get tedious.

Form Publisher offers a better alternative with different file formats and customizable templates. Form Publisher makes printing your forms easier and supercharges your Google Forms experience.

Check out Form Publisher and discover how its features can help you get more out of Google Forms.

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