Here's How to Make a Self-Assessment Form for Employees

May 15, 2024
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Self-assessment forms for employees are an excellent way to foster growth in your organization. They allow employees to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and achievements, enhancing autonomy and self-awareness. 

In this blog post, we’ll explain self-assessment forms and how you can create effective ones for your employees using Google Forms. If you’re ready to give your employees ownership of their professional development, let’s dive in!

What is a self-evaluation form for employees?

A self-evaluation form for employees is a structured document that allows individuals to assess their own performance, skills, and contributions within the workplace. 

It includes various questions and sections related to different aspects of job performance: job responsibilities, goals, accomplishments, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Unlike an employee performance review form, which is filled out by a superior, a self-evaluation form is completed by the employee. This has several benefits, such as promoting self-reflection, giving employees a sense of responsibility, and creating a trusting environment in the workplace overall. 

This makes a self-evaluation assessment form an important HR document. Learn about the other necessary human resource forms for companies and small businesses. 

How to create an employee self-assessment template with Google Forms

Step 1: Create a new Google Form

Navigate to your Google Forms.

Click the ‘Blank form’ button to start a new form. 

Title the form appropriately and offer helpful instructions in the description for employees filling the form. 

Step 2: Add fields for personal information of employee

Let’s start adding questions to gather essential personal information.

Change the default untitled questions to ‘Name’ and opt for a ‘Short answer’ format. Then, click the ‘Add question’ button in the floating menu to add other questions like:

  • Department
  • Title/designation
  • Employee ID
  • Contact information

Step 3: Add scaled evaluation questions

Now, it’s time to start adding the evaluation questions. It’s a great idea to have all your questions down before you begin adding them so that you can logically order them. Consider the following questions:

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how well did you meet your job responsibilities and objectives during the evaluation period?
  • Rate your level of satisfaction with the quality of your work output over the evaluation period (1 being very dissatisfied, 5 being very satisfied).
  • How effectively do you feel you have communicated and collaborated with team members and colleagues? (1 being ineffective, 5 being highly effective)

Add a new question, as shown in step 2, and opt for the linear scale format with the drop-down menu next to the question field. Linear scale is a great format to get a nuanced quantitative measure of scores that you can then evaluate over time. Learn how to add linear scale questions to your Google Forms. 

Step 4: Add open-ended evaluation questions

Along with the linear scale questions, it’s also important to add some open-ended questions to gather a well-rounded picture of the employee’s progress. Consider open-ended questions like:

  • What were your most significant accomplishments during the evaluation period?
  • Can you identify any areas where you feel you could have improved your performance? 
  • Describe a specific challenge you encountered in your role and how you approached it.

Add new questions to your form and opt for the ‘Paragraph’ format’ from the drop-down menu next to the question field. Learn in detail how to use open-ended questions in a form or a survey. 

A self-assessment form is a powerful tool for professional development. Looking at a professional development survey can help you include more relevant and impactful questions in your self-assessment form.

Step 5: Add a field for them to ask their own questions 

An employee evaluation doesn’t have to be a one-way communication. It’s also good practice to include space on your form where employees can ask questions. 

Add a new question and opt for the ‘Paragraph’ format. You can also consider other ways of inviting questions or discussion like:

  • Would you like clarification or further information about any aspects of company policies, procedures, or organizational changes?
  • Name any specific aspect that you require feedback or guidance on from management or HR.

Step 6: Create a PDF automatically with Form Publisher

With that, your employee self-assessment form is finished. Now, you should consider making this form a PDF. That’s because a PDF provides an electronic record of the assessment, enabling employees to track their progress over time. Further, PDFs can be easily integrated into your existing HR systems or documentation workflows, simplifying administrative processes. 

One easy way to turn this online Google Form into a printable and customizable PDF document is with Form Publisher. With this simple add-on, you can automatically create individual documents from each form response, which can then seamlessly integrate into your office documentation. Learn how to convert Google Form responses into PDFs

Creating self-assessment forms for your employees? Form Publisher can help

Now you know how to create self-assessment forms for your employees. While Google Forms will allow you to make online forms easily, Form Publisher gives you solutions to integrate them into your official documentation comfortably.

Form Publisher offers features that take Google Forms to the next level. Explore its features to see how it can upgrade your organization’s self-assessment forms.

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