7 Necessary Human Resource Forms for Small Businesses

February 07, 2024
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From employment contracts to performance appraisal forms, each document in your organization plays a role in furthering a productive, compliant work environment. That’s why understanding and implementing the correct human resource forms is important.

This post unveils seven necessary human resource forms for small businesses. We’ll discuss their significance and how they contribute to an organizational framework. By the end, you’ll have enough information to navigate the intricacies of HR forms easily. 

Here’s the list of HR forms every small business needs

All businesses are different,. However, whether you're a startup entrepreneur or a small business owner, you’ll have to deal with many small business forms. Here’s our list of the fundamental forms you’ll need for a dedicated human resource department. 

New employee documents

These are documents that companies provide to employees during the initial stages of joining a company. These documents serve as the foundation for a new employee's official relationship with the employer. They facilitate the employee's understanding of the company policies, rules, and regulations:

  • Offer letter: Details the terms and conditions of employment, including job title, salary, start date, and other relevant information
  • Employee handbook: Outlines company policies, procedures, and benefits
  • Employee identification badge/access card: Grants access to the company's premises and may serve as an identification card
  • Training materials: Relevant materials or access to online training programs to help employees get acquainted with their roles and responsibilities

Employee onboarding forms

New employee forms are essential paperwork completed when a new employee joins a company. These forms gather crucial information, such as personal details and tax-related data needed for employment. 

They are essential for security and legal compliance. They also ensure proper payroll processing and facilitate a smooth employee transition into the company. Here are some typical new employee documents needed for compliance with most regulations:

  • Employee’s withholding certificate (W-4 form): This document helps determine the amount of federal income tax to withhold from an employee's paycheck
  • Employment eligibility verification (I-9 form): Used to verify an employee's identity and eligibility to work in the United States
  • Request for taxpayer identification number and certification (W-9 form): A document businesses use to collect essential information from independent contractors, freelancers, or vendors

Then, there are also internal company new employee forms:

  • Employee personal information form: To gather basic personal details
  • Confidentiality agreement: Outlines the employee's obligation to keep certain company information confidential
  • Code of conduct agreement: Establishes expectations regarding the employee's behavior and adherence to the company's ethical standards

Payroll documents and expense forms

Payroll documents and expense forms are crucial components of a smooth and error-free financial system within any organization. These documents and forms can be split into two categories. 

The first are the forms required for regular and smooth processing of employee’s salaries. These include employee timesheets, salary breakdowns, and other forms required for tax or financial laws. These forms ensure accurate and timely employee compensation and help in tax calculations and compliance.

The second category consists of expense forms and internal company expense documents. These forms play a crucial role in maintaining financial accountability and transparency. They’re designed to record and track various expenses incurred by employees in the course of their work. Here are a few examples:

  1. Expense forms and expense reports.
  2. Supporting documentation like receipts.
  3. Departmental/monthly/annual budgets

Employee training forms and surveys

Employee training forms and surveys are integral components of a well-structured learning and development strategy within organizations. Training forms serve as documentation that helps administrative aspects relating to training programs within organizations. 

For example, documentation tracking employee participation, detailing the training modules, and recording the acquired skills helps provide a reference for future assessments. Training surveys include employee engagement surveys as they help employers determine employees' satisfaction levels and training needs. 

It’s crucial to craft a good employee engagement survey as it is the precursor to training and employee development programs. The insights from employee engagement surveys empower companies to tailor their training programs and address specific employee needs.

Employee performance review forms

Employee performance review forms play an important role in enhancing workplace productivity. They play a crucial role in fostering workplace excellence and continuous improvement through:

  1. Structured evaluation: These forms provide a systematic framework for assessing employee performance based on predefined criteria (KPIs).
  2. Competency assessment: The forms assess employees' competencies, helping identify areas of strength and opportunities for development.
  3. Feedback mechanism: Performance review forms facilitate transparent communication between employees and management.
  4. Goal achievements: Employees' accomplishments and goal attainment are documented, providing a tangible record of their contributions.
  5. Future goal setting: Performance review forms guide the setting of future performance expectations and career goals.

Leveraging these forms contributes to a dynamic, goal-oriented workforce that propels the organization toward sustained success. This is why it’s so important to get them right. Learn how to make employee performance forms more efficient.

Learn how to add a signature in Google Forms

Professional development surveys

Professional development surveys are aimed at identifying employee aspirations and deciphering skill gaps. Organizations can then arrange learning initiatives to foster employee growth. 

These surveys seek insights into employees' career goals, preferred learning methods, and specific areas where they desire skill enhancement. Sometimes, they’re conducted annually or semi-annually. However, conducting pulse surveys is another effective way to keep abreast of your employee's career aspirations and needs. 

Professional development surveys align the personal ambitions of employees with organizational objectives. It also enhances job satisfaction and retention by demonstrating a commitment to employees' career progression.

Employment offboarding forms

Employment offboarding forms are essential documents that facilitate a smooth and organized exit process for departing employees. These forms streamline the administrative aspects of separation, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and maintaining a structured record of the offboarding journey. They can include forms such as:

  • Exit Interviews forms: These collect valuable feedback from departing employees and shed light on their reasons for leaving.
  • Benefits and final pay forms: Document details related to final pay, benefits, and health insurance.
  • Acknowledgment of company policies: Confirm that the departing employee acknowledges their ongoing commitment to confidentiality.

Make your Google Forms anonymous

Streamline personnel filing with Form Publisher

There are many HR forms, but there are also many ways to make form processing more efficient. If you already use Google Forms for document completion, you should consider using Form Publisher.

This Google Forms add-on allows you to automate the process of converting form responses into customized, professional-looking documents. This benefits personnel filing, allowing you to effortlessly generate personalized documents like employee performance reports or onboarding materials. 

If you’re ready to revolutionize your personnel management, try Form Publisher today and experience the power of simplified personnel filing!

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