Need Release Forms for Filming? Create One with Google Forms

July 15, 2024
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Navigating the legalities of release forms for your production can be overwhelming, but with Google Forms, crafting personalized release forms has never been easier.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of leveraging Google Forms to tailor release forms for filming easily. We’ll first discuss different types of release forms, then talk about the details that need to be included, and finally, end with the steps to making a release form for filming that matches the director’s cut!

What are release forms in film?

Release forms are legal documents that actors, extras, or other people involved in the filming process sign to grant permission to use their likeness, voice, or property in the filming project.

Release forms are crucial for filmmaking as they prevent legal risks and conflicts. They clarify the scope of usage and duration, providing a clear understanding between the filmmaker and those involved in the project. 

Types of release forms for filming

Depending on the main objective and purpose of the filming, there can be many different types of release forms. Let’s look at a few.

Video or photo release form

A video or photo release form obtains permission from an individual for the use of their likeness, voice, or image in a video or photography project. This form is a crucial component of any visual media production where individuals may be captured on camera. 

Crafting an effective video or photo release form for your production is essential to secure the necessary rights and protect the creator from potential legal issues related to the use of someone's identity.

Location release form for filming

A location release form grants filmmakers permission to use a specific property as a filming location. It outlines the terms and conditions of use of the property, addresses aspects such as the duration of filming, and covers compensation clauses if there are any.

Talent release form

This is a release form used to obtain permission from an actor to use their image in a commercial production. It’s commonly used in film production setups. It outlines the terms of use, the scope of the individual's participation, compensation details, and the duration of rights granted to the filmmaker. 

Crafting an effective talent release form is essential for ensuring a clear understanding between the talent and the production team and protecting production companies from legal issues.

What needs to be included for release forms to be binding?

Just like any other legal document, release forms need three things to be binding:

  1. Clearly mentioned parties that have the intent to enter an agreement
  2. A carefully and legally worded agreement that covers all bases
  3. Some form of consent, usually in the form of signatures signifying an agreement

Since we’ll be using Google Forms to create our release form, learn whether Google Forms are legally binding, what you can do to make them legally binding, and how you can improve legal workflow for your production team. 

How to create a general release form for filming with Google Forms

Let’s get down to creating a general release form for filming. Here are the steps.

Step 1: Create a new Google Form

Go to your Google Forms and start a new form by clicking the ‘Blank form’ button. 

Title your form appropriately and offer helpful instructions in the description for the recipient. 

Step 2: Add field to include personal details needed

The first thing that needs to be clear is who’s signing the form, so let’s introduce a question to collect the individual’s name and other personal details. 

Enter the question in the question field and opt for the ‘Short answer format’ from the drop-down menu next to the question field. 

If necessary, click the ‘Add question’ button to insert more fields to gather additional personal details, such as address and contact details. 

Step 3: Include agreements for different considerations

There are two different ways to include agreements or clauses in a Google Form:

  1. As a new question
  2. As a title and description box

A title and description box is more appropriate if you want the clauses clearly demarcated in a body text from the explicit agreement. However, if you want to include the agreement after every separate clause, you may consider using the question box to input each separate clause with an agree/disagree option under it. 

For a general release form for filming, there are a few separate clauses that you should consider adding. We’ll add the clauses in a title and description box and then insert a question box for the agreement statement. Before we get into it, let’s understand a few of the clauses that you can include in a release form for filming:

Parts of footage that will be used

This section specifies which segments or elements of the recorded footage will be utilized in the film or the particular project for which the agreement is being drawn. It clearly lays out the scope of usage, preventing misunderstandings about the extent of content inclusion.

Third-party rights

Third-party rights should be included when the content involves copyrighted content, trademarks, or intellectual property owned by entities other than the parties directly involved.

Modification rights

This component outlines the extent to which the filmmaker, editor, and/or cinematographer has the right to modify or edit the captured footage. It specifies whether alterations can be made for artistic, editorial, or other purposes, helping to avoid disputes later.

Commercial or non-commercial use

This section defines how the project will be used. It defines whether the footage will be employed for commercial purposes, such as advertising or promotional activities, or for non-commercial purposes, such as educational or artistic endeavors.

Timeframe of usage

The timeframe of usage establishes the duration for which the filmmaker has the right to use the footage. It could be a specific period or an indefinite timeframe. 

Click the ‘Title and description’ button to insert a new box into your form. 

Enter a title and insert all the relevant clauses in the description section. 

Now click the ‘Add question’ button to add a new question.

Enter an agreement statement in the question field and opt for a ‘Checkbox’ question format for the ‘Agree’ or ‘Disagree’ choices. 

Step 4: Make all questions required

Google Forms has multiple settings. In important forms, such as this one, you should ensure that all the questions are mandatory. 

To do this, simply ensure the ‘Required’ button is toggled on under each question. 

Step 5: Improve release form with an e-signature request

As this is meant to be a legally binding document, you can improve the enforceability of this form by including an e-signature request. You can easily do that by using Form Publisher with your Google Forms. 

Form Publisher is a Google Forms add-on that allows you to do more with Google Forms without compromising on ease and simplicity. Learn how to add an e-signature to Google Forms.

Step 6: Publish your digital release forms

With that, your digital release form is done! Now, all that’s left to do is send it to the individual with whom you want to enter an agreement. Since it’s a legally binding document, you may also want to get it vetted by a legal professional who can make necessary edits and inclusions. Learn how to share Google Forms and allow access to collaborators.

Create automated release forms with Form Publisher

Transforming the release form process is effortless with Form Publisher. This simple but handy tool automates the creation of release forms, streamlining your production workflow. From actor consents to location permissions, it covers it all. Plus, you can request a signature, which will be included in the document automatically.

If you want to enhance your production management and ensure an easy and effective solution for all your filming release form needs. Try Form Publisher now!

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